Thursday 3 March 2016

Indonesia Mineralogy

the precipitated minerals (minerals) is one of the natural wealth
influential in the national economy. Therefore efforts
to determine the quantity and quality of mineral deposits that should
always worked with a higher degree of certainty, in line with
stages of exploration. The more advanced stage of exploration, the greater
the level of confidence in the quantity and quality of mineral resources and
Based on the exploration phase, which describes the level
belief in its potential, do business grouping or classification
mineral resources and reserves.
Beach Iron Ore

Basic or classification criteria in a number of countries, especially the level of
geological confidence and economic feasibility. It was pioneered by the US Bureau
of Mines and the US Geological Survey (3), which until now still practiced
by countries with important mining industry like Australia
(2) United States (1), Canada and others. These countries
follow the classification of proved reserves (proven) and probable (probable) of
Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States (4). trust
United Nations (UN) in this case the Economic and Social Council (Economic
and Social Council) has prepared proposals reserve classifications and
Mineral resources that are simple and easily understood by all
party (5). In addition to the above criteria, the UN also uses economic
market (market economy) as one of the criteria.
In Indonesia, a problem that there are still non-existent classification
mineral resources and reserves were raw so that the various parties
government agencies and mining companies use
classification alone, which is considered the most appropriate classification
with the properties of mineral deposition and kebijakasanaan in
the company. The result is the statement of the quantity and
quality mineral resources or reserves often create confusion,
especially if the statement was not accompanied by a detailed explanation
regarding the classification criteria.
With regard to the fact mentioned above, the Government of Indonesia in
this case the Ministry of Mines and Energy sees the need for
draw up a standard classification that can be used to
classifying the types of mineral resources and reserves and
specify the criteria used for the grouping.
Penajam Sample High Calori Coal

Classification of Mineral Resources and Reserves is a process
collection, filtration and processing of data and information from a
mineral deposits to obtain a quick overview of the
the precipitate was based on the criteria: the belief in geology and mining feasibility.
The criteria are based on the beliefs of geological exploration phase which includes
review the survey, prospecting, general exploration and detailed exploration
Mine eligibility criteria based on economic factors, technology,
regulations / legislation, environmental and social (economic,
technological, legal, and social environment factor).
Mineral Resources (Mineral Resources) are deposits of minerals
expected to be used in practice. Mineral resource
certain geological confidence can turn into a backup after
conducted feasibility study and meet the criteria are eligible
Reserves (Reserve) is a mineral that has been known to precipitate size,
shape, distribution, quantity and quality and that is economically,
technical, legal, and social environments can be mined at the time
the calculation is done

Sunday 19 April 2015


Indonesia with an area of ​​1.99025 million km2 which is geographically located between two continents (Asia and Australia continent) and two Ocean (Indian Ocean and the Pacific). Indonesia is also an island country that has 13 478 islands, the number is a number that is registered with the United Nations, which is identified based on the methods and definitions of the UN convention.

In zoogeography, Indonesia separated by the Wallace line, this line separates the western part (Oriental region; the Indo-Malayan sub-region) and the east (the Australian region; Austro-Malayan subregion). This line is located between the islands of Bali and Lombok islands in the south and between the islands of Borneo and Sulawesi islands in the North. The western portion including at; the islands of Sumatra, Java and Borneo (Kalimantan region of Indonesia called) as well as the small islands around it, while on the east there; the island of Sulawesi, Irian Jaya, the island of Sumbawa, Flores island, island of Sumba and small islands located in the vicinity. This is because the fauna found in Indonesia is the same type fauna fauna originating from Asia and Australia.

While the fitogeografi, Indonesia is among the Paleotropical kingdom; Indo-malaysian subkingdom; Malaysian region (Lincoln et al, 1998). The difference in the spread of fauna and flora of this geographically very influenced by the ability of each to perform dispersal and barriernya. Animals always have a certain cruising extensive and mainly terrestrial animals, which are limited by the barrier-geographical barrier. While the plant has a wide distribution by means of dispersal are diverse.

Why fauna found in the western part of the Wallace line have different typical with that contained in the east? What is the main factor that causes this?

This article will discuss the history of the formation of Indonesian territory geographically, so our question about the influence of Asia and Australia in the fauna and flora in Indonesia can be understood more full detail

Friday 17 April 2015

General Geology of Indonesia

A place where people live is located in Plate Tectonics. Plate tectonics is a rock in the earth's cycles that occur in the geological time scale. The rock cycle occurs from the movement of tectonic plates, which are dynamic. With the movement of tectonic plates happens capable of forming the earth and cause symptoms or natural events such as tectonic earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. Indonesia is located right on the border of three tectonic straightforward once. In the northern border with the Eurasian Plate, better known as Sundaland. In the western and southern no Indo-Australian plate. And to the east is limited by the base plate of the Pacific Ocean.

In topography, Indonesia is an archipelago of over 17,000 islands. The islands in Indoonesia have different characteristics consisting of plains, plateaus, hills and mountains. Indonesia is located at the confluence of three active plate (Eurasian plate, the Indo-Australian plate and the Pacific plate) very high potential for the occurrence of earthquakes. Point earthquake in Indonesia spread almost all over the archipelago. Indonesia is located near tectonic plate boundaries Eurasian and Indo-Australian. Type the boundary between the two plates are converging. Indo-Australian plate is subducting plate under the Eurasian plate. Subduction zone of the second meeting of the plates causes the formation of a row of volcanoes located in the hills on the island of Sumatra row, row sepenjang volcano in Java, Bali, and Lombok. The plates are constantly moving all the time, so that experience friction and collisions are quite loud. The friction will arise from the heat turned into energy which over time will accumulate in the long run. So will result in a fairly strong earthquake originating from the meeting point of these plates in subduction zones. Subduction zones in Indonesia are in the ocean, so do not be surprised if it will be followed by a tsunami. In addition, the movement of heat energy also resulted in a volcano that could erupt at any time.

When viewed from the appearance of the territory of Indonesia, it is very unique because of this archipelago memilikibanyak things that do not belong in any other country. Only Indonesia has the largest continental shelf in the world, namely the exposure of Sunda and Sahul Shelf, only Indonesia, which has the highest mountain fold in the tropics so have eternal snow, spotted and in Indonesia, which has inter-island sea yan terdaalam with 5000 meters depth in the sea Banda, and much more. That wealth of our archipelago caused due to movement of the plates.

Based on morphological characteristics, sediment thickness and direction of the arc trough subduction Sunda arc divided in several areas of the province. From east to west is composed of the provinces in Java, South Sumatra and Central, North Sumatra until Nicobar, Andaman and Burma. Between Java and Sumatra, Central-South are the Sunda Strait which is the southeast limit of the Burma plate. Provinces in Java originated from Sumba to the Sunda Strait. In the province Sunda trench has a depth of more than 6,000 meters. Sunda Strait is the main element separator Java and Sumatra, the Sunda arc. Strait is assumed boundary as boundary southeast Burma plate. However, when observed from the existing geophysical data, Java and Sumatra boundary lies around Banten and West Java.

The number of faults that exist in Sumatra is a detailed example of the results of the regional tectonics on local tectonic pattern. Sumatra island is composed of two main parts, the west is dominated by the presence of the oceanic plate, being east is dominated by the presence of the continental shelf. Under the force of gravity, magnetism and seismic oceanic plate thickness of about 20 kilometers, and the thickness of the continental shelf about 40 kilometers (Hamilton, 1979).

The spread of these minerals in Indonesia following the existing geological structure in the area, so that each region has a spread of different minerals. Logan mineral formation is closely connected premises magma and volcanic activity. Arc plates in Indonesia that produces metallic minerals that many are in the region of Aceh, Sumatra-Meratus, Sunda-Banda, Central Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Central Halmahera, and Papua.

Geological Conditions Indonesia

Geological conditions Indonesia: the Indo-Australian Plate, Eurasian Plate and the Pacific

Indonesia is an area of ​​3 large tectonic plates meet, the Indo-Australian Plate, Eurasian and Pacific plates. Indo-Australian Plate collided with the Eurasian plate off the coast of Sumatra, Java and Nusa Tenggara, while the northern Pacific in northern New Guinea and the Moluccas. In the vicinity of the location of the meeting is the accumulation plate collision energy accumulated to a point where the layers of the earth is no longer able to hold off the pile so that energy in the form of earthquakes. This instantaneous release of energy cause various effects on the building because of the acceleration of seismic waves, tsunamis, landslides, and liquefaction. The magnitude of the impact of earthquakes on buildings depends on a few things; such is the scale of the earthquake, epicenter distance, the mechanism of the source, the type of soil layer on the building site and the quality of the building.

Tectonic events were quite active, in addition to causing the earthquake and tsunami, also bring blessings to the formation of many sedimentary basins (sedimentary basin). Sedimentary basin accommodates further into the host rock and hydrocarbon reservoir rocks. Content results in oil and natural gas is what we are now many mines and become the backbone of our economy so 1990s.

Tectonic conditions in the Indonesian archipelago

Indonesia, also a country that is geologically a unique position because it is at the center of the collision of the Indian Plate Tectonics Australia in the south, the northern part of the Eurasian Plate and the Pacific Plate in the Northeast. This resulted in Indonesia has a complex tectonic structure of the direction that the Fore arc collision zone, Volcanic arc and Back arc. Fore arc is the area immediately adjacent to the collision zone or often referred to as the active zone due to faulting commonly found on land and at sea. In this area the main constituent of rock material is also very specific environment and contain natural resources of minerals are quite large. Volcanic arc is an active mountain path in Indonesia, which has a distinctive topography with unique natural resources as well. Back behind the arc is part of a series of tectonic arc relatively most stable with almost uniform topography serves as a sedimentation. All these areas have the particularity and uniqueness that are rarely found in other areas, both keanegaragaman biological and geological diversity.
Indonesia is a country that is geologically a unique position because it is located in the center of the collision of the Indian Plate Tectonics Australia in the south, the northern part of the Eurasian Plate and the Pacific Plate in the Northeast. Indo-Australian Plate collided with the Eurasian plate off the coast of Sumatra, Java and Nusa Tenggara, while the northern Pacific in northern New Guinea and the Moluccas. This resulted in Indonesia has a complex tectonic structure of the direction that the Fore arc collision zone, Volcanic arc and Back arc. Fore arc is the area immediately adjacent to the collision zone or often referred to as the active zone due to faulting commonly found on land and at sea. In this area the main constituent of rock material is also very specific environment and contain natural resources of minerals are quite large.

The implications of the tectonic processes that form the archipelagic Indonesia can be seen in the image below:

Point Distribution Center Volcano and Earthquake in Indonesia Islands

The picture above shows the distribution of volcanoes (red triangles), point earthquake (plus sign purple) and hot spots (asterisk orange). The series of volcanoes and earthquakes point is always associated with subduction zones (can you see in the picture above meeting plate). Islands of Sumatra, Java, Flores, Maluku, Sulawesi and Papua northern part will be prone to volcanic and earthquake. Almost all islands in Indonesia has the potential earthquake except the island of Borneo is relatively safe