A place where people live is located in Plate Tectonics. Plate tectonics is a rock in the earth's cycles that occur in the geological time scale. The rock cycle occurs from the movement of tectonic plates, which are dynamic. With the movement of tectonic plates happens capable of forming the earth and cause symptoms or natural events such as tectonic earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. Indonesia is located right on the border of three tectonic straightforward once. In the northern border with the Eurasian Plate, better known as Sundaland. In the western and southern no Indo-Australian plate. And to the east is limited by the base plate of the Pacific Ocean.
In topography, Indonesia is an archipelago of over 17,000 islands. The islands in Indoonesia have different characteristics consisting of plains, plateaus, hills and mountains. Indonesia is located at the confluence of three active plate (Eurasian plate, the Indo-Australian plate and the Pacific plate) very high potential for the occurrence of earthquakes. Point earthquake in Indonesia spread almost all over the archipelago. Indonesia is located near tectonic plate boundaries Eurasian and Indo-Australian. Type the boundary between the two plates are converging. Indo-Australian plate is subducting plate under the Eurasian plate. Subduction zone of the second meeting of the plates causes the formation of a row of volcanoes located in the hills on the island of Sumatra row, row sepenjang volcano in Java, Bali, and Lombok. The plates are constantly moving all the time, so that experience friction and collisions are quite loud. The friction will arise from the heat turned into energy which over time will accumulate in the long run. So will result in a fairly strong earthquake originating from the meeting point of these plates in subduction zones. Subduction zones in Indonesia are in the ocean, so do not be surprised if it will be followed by a tsunami. In addition, the movement of heat energy also resulted in a volcano that could erupt at any time.
When viewed from the appearance of the territory of Indonesia, it is very unique because of this archipelago memilikibanyak things that do not belong in any other country. Only Indonesia has the largest continental shelf in the world, namely the exposure of Sunda and Sahul Shelf, only Indonesia, which has the highest mountain fold in the tropics so have eternal snow, spotted and in Indonesia, which has inter-island sea yan terdaalam with 5000 meters depth in the sea Banda, and much more. That wealth of our archipelago caused due to movement of the plates.
Based on morphological characteristics, sediment thickness and direction of the arc trough subduction Sunda arc divided in several areas of the province. From east to west is composed of the provinces in Java, South Sumatra and Central, North Sumatra until Nicobar, Andaman and Burma. Between Java and Sumatra, Central-South are the Sunda Strait which is the southeast limit of the Burma plate. Provinces in Java originated from Sumba to the Sunda Strait. In the province Sunda trench has a depth of more than 6,000 meters. Sunda Strait is the main element separator Java and Sumatra, the Sunda arc. Strait is assumed boundary as boundary southeast Burma plate. However, when observed from the existing geophysical data, Java and Sumatra boundary lies around Banten and West Java.
The number of faults that exist in Sumatra is a detailed example of the results of the regional tectonics on local tectonic pattern. Sumatra island is composed of two main parts, the west is dominated by the presence of the oceanic plate, being east is dominated by the presence of the continental shelf. Under the force of gravity, magnetism and seismic oceanic plate thickness of about 20 kilometers, and the thickness of the continental shelf about 40 kilometers (Hamilton, 1979).
The spread of these minerals in Indonesia following the existing geological structure in the area, so that each region has a spread of different minerals. Logan mineral formation is closely connected premises magma and volcanic activity. Arc plates in Indonesia that produces metallic minerals that many are in the region of Aceh, Sumatra-Meratus, Sunda-Banda, Central Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Central Halmahera, and Papua.
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